SENSORY DINNER (in collaboration with
An invitation to raise our consciousness around eating and that food is so much more than something yummy (or not so yummy) to fill your belly. It is feeling, it is being alive.

These dinners are a deep dive into the joy of playful yet mindful eating, concentrating mainly on the sense of smell, taste and touch. We explore how the foods feels in our hands, in our mouths, in our bodies as well as how it makes us feel, what it tastes like, where we taste it, or also what goes well together and what rather not. We quest to broaden our perceptions beyond liking or disliking to create a deeper connection to the intimate nature of our bodies.”
Next Dates: 22.4. & 24.4. @ Vinha Velha Farm, Algarve
KULINARISCHE SPAZIERGÄNGE (in collaboration with Land Lab, wir stehen drauf)
A culinary walk through a cultural landscape. We want to walk, talk, feel, see, experience and be with you!

We stroll past huge cornfields, tiny private gardens, community supported gardens… beyond right and wrong we want to see how we, as humans, feed us. On our way we not only collect knowledge but also eatables. Wild plants are not only regional, seasonable and full of nutrients, but also connect us to our environment.
Next dates: may 13 and july 8th, Hoher Fläming, Brandenburg